November 11, 2010


lifes a pretty amazing thing - this goes to prove that there are more people thinking of and pulling for you than you know......When your at the RIGHT PLACE...doing the RIGHT THINGS...the lord will bless you using every tool he has at his command ...including and sometimes especially grandparents

i was always the girl who tried to find the best in everyone and always gave everyone chance to be in my life. i always gave second, third, and fourth chances. sometimes it got me into trouble. sometimes i was in the wrong place at the wrong time. i always thought i knew what was best for me and that i was old enough to make my own decisions. i always had to learn the hard way if i was going to learn anything at all. i was stubborn and a lot of the time i still am. . . but through my mistakes and hard times my parents never left my side. they were more patient than i ever deserved. they would give advice that i often ignored thinking i knew what i was doing and that they "just didn't understand" my situation; when i would come back after failing i never got a "i told you so".
i was lucky enough to be raised by two parents who have strong testimonies and lucky enough to have the gospel in my home. i was always taught that if i ever felt alone i had two parents who are pushing me to succeed and a father in heaven who has never and will never leave my side.
i have a younger brother that i can already see being an AMAZING missionary. ever since a young age he's been faithful and always ready to serve. 14 years old and he is an huge example to me. he knows his standards and stays true to them.
i have another younger brother who has an amazing personality. he loves to make people laugh and doesn't let anyone put him down. he is going to be someone who chooses to do something and never quits until it's done. he'll be a family man and a leader.
i have a younger sister who is an artist. everything she see's is something incredible in her eyes. her imagination will take her somewhere amazing. she has an awesome sense of humor. she's growing up way too fast.
i'm lucky to have a best friend that always stayed true to herself and never questioned her faith. when i had/have my own trials she never judges or looks down on me. with all the people and things that often sent me drifting away she was always one of my anchors that kept me close the "PARKER" i really wanted to be.
i have an amazing boyfriend who only wants the best for me. no matter how stubborn i am, he keeps pushing me to be something great. since the first day i met him he has inspired me in so many ways. he's already taught me so much about myself, the church, and being my own person. he is never afraid to be his own goofy self. he has a desire to always be better and a desire to help others. when i feel myself slipping, he keeps me grounded.

i have been blessed with so many amazing people and things in my life. i could never ask for more.

i am one lucky girl, if you ask me.
